Monday 18 January 2010

Research Method-Questionaires

My choice of research is primary research, I have chosen to use a questionnaire. The reason being is they are easy to produce as well as they are a cheap research method. All of the questions are related to each other.

Benefits Of Questionnaires:

  • Can be taken with you and completed anywhere.
  • Information is obtained immediately.
  • Questions can be asked immediately.
  • Cheap

Drawbacks Of Questionnaires:

  • Can be hard to analyse answers to open ended questions.
  • People may be reluctant to fill them in properly.
  • If you used closed ended answers the answers are limited.
  • Time consuming to create.

For my questionnaire I will be interviewing 5 males between ages 16 and 18 and 5 females between ages 16 and 18. This is because this is the age group we will generally be targeting with our horror movie, this will be a basis for my 'audience profile'.