Friday, 25 September 2009


The genre we have decided on for the project is horror. This is because we feel that this will be the most suitable genre to convey with a trailer, website and poster, this genre also has alot of existing texts with which we can take inspiration from.

The 'Horror' genre generally relates to a media product which is designed to scare, horrify or unsettle the audience for that product, whether it be a film, book, poster, website or trailer.

Traditionally horror texts play on the fears of the supernatural; such as ghosts etc. But as time has progressed horror texts have adapted and have evolved to play on many human fears; for example it is common nowaday with films such as the "SAW" series in which the films do not play on the audiences fear of the supernatural but instead on the audiences fear of pain and fear of being helpless.

Traditionally black, dark red and dark green are the most common colours in horror texts such as films, this is because the black represents death, the dark red represents human blood and the dark green represents an unknown threat, these are all human fears that horror texts play with to scare, horrify or unsettle the audience.

With the horror genre the main theme is often isolation or helplessness, For example an axe murderer chasing a single person through the middle of the woods in the middle of the night is a lot more terrifying than if a man with an axe tried to run through the middle of a busy city centre with lots of people and police and security officers around because no one there would be isolated or helpless and the danger can be prevented alot easier.